tisdag 16 december 2008

Day 2. It's all about chicken.

First day waking up in "sunny" California. We first headed out to the bank where we found a new friend, Jaitee, who thought Emma Nicole sounded like Alicia Keys and that Wasima looked like Kim Kardashian. Funny guy. Then we took a long walk to find Radioshack, to get an adapter. During that walk we got some breakfast (chicken tortillas with Red bull/ Dr.Pepper) at 7 Eleven.
Later Rod came and picked us up to go to the "black mall". We found some nice things there actually. Then we headed on to Santa Monica Blvd to continue gettin our shoppin' on. Close to starving, we went to the notorious Hooters, where the waitresses really should rethink their wardrobe. No doubt, we had fried chicken and some curly fries.
L.A is really aaaaall about chicken... and tortillas...and quesadillas...and nachos...and tamales.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Meeen herre GUD gör ni inte annat än å äter !!!!! hmmm. Skoja bara. Hoppas ni har det underbart roligt. Kul att man kan följa er på er resa.
    Kraaaaaaaaam Mamsen

  2. Vad ska ni göra i LA?
