måndag 2 mars 2009

Day 69. Hello Brooklyn, how u doin'?

Terry, our big brother that we live with in the Bronx, called us and let us know his son Lil T(also named Terry) were comin by. So while waitin on Terry to get home we absolutely fell in luv with this kid. He's the cutest. He showed us the newest ish out there, the Get Lite dance...
Which resulted in the landlord calling Terry because of all the noices we made. U know me, of course I tried to learn it too. Aint no lil 2 step that Emma Nicole cant do.
Anyways, later we hit up Wasi's booy Josef. He's from Sweden too, lives in crooked Broklyn so we went to his lil spot there and just chilled. Wasi and Josef has that maad maroccan connection so they was talking until 6 in the monrnin. I fell asleep every now and then.
But Josef is a sweetheart.
And he puts our posin' skills to shame.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Sweat heart......?!
    Im a mothafu**in Gangsta !!!
    ....nah, really I am...Like fo real...
    okay, maybe just a little...
    All right, on certain days then
    ....ohhh, okay Im not a gangsta....
    Could I be a Gangsta thou ?!
    // bombo....Youssef

  2. hej emma och wasima först och främst eran blogg är så naajjs asså det syns verkligen hur roligt ni har man blir helt avis.. själv är man fast i tråkiga sverige:p men ville fråga några frågor :) eftersom jag planerar att åka till usa i sommar vilket ställe rekomenderar ni mest? la eler miami,,vart var roligast att festa äta shoppa och finast killar ;)
