söndag 8 mars 2009

Day 74. The day I became a King in Queens.

I've always wanted to get a tattoo but always said that I aint gonna go into a tattoo place and look through their books just BEcause. I want to get one when I get a sign. Something original, that describes me. And I had been walkin around thinkin about this since we left LA.
When we lived at Hassans house our neighbour Kevin, one night told me the first time he ever met me I was sittin down at Hassans table playing poker with all the guys (glöm ej vem som sänker er boys, GLÖM EJ!). And he said that I had an attitude of a queen. Thats also why he nicknamed me Queen. We were discussing tattoos and he thought I should get a crown to resemble queen, behind my ear. I really thought about this, that he really had put some thought about my personality. I know I always wanted to write something on my hand. But queen felt soo... so expected...so girly...so unoriginal. And Isaak like I done told u...a King will always be more powerful than a Queen will ever be. So why limit myself because of my sex.
Girls are Kings too!
So this was the day, Wasima my love, really had my back on this, and we went to Queens (ironically) and finally got it done. Funny thing that I will always remember was this guy next to me getting stitched up too...he had his wifey and son there. Dont yall think that kids name is...King?! And thats also what he was getting tattooed. How often do u run into kids called King, and here this lil angel faced boy were next to me!
Later Mike whoI had met the night before at Juelz party, came with his friend and picked us up.
El Escalade blancooo baabay.
They drove us home, we got dolled up in like 30 (!) mins and hit Imperial, where the Dream was havin a party. Party was poppin like always on a New York Friday night.
Juuust got paid- Friday night!!
oopps kom på att de här va på torsdagen... aja ja gör en remix -
Thank God it's Thursday då!

3 kommentarer:

  1. Den här kommentaren har tagits bort av skribenten.

  2. so u did it.. nice.. på ett litet undangömt ställe

  3. YO YO YO !!! EMMA !! its your girlie myra zenobia....so umm i think ur tat is wicked ! so i went through all the trouble to comment...hug me! but i love that quote "a King will always be more powerful than a Queen will ever be. So why limit myself because of my sex.
    Girls are Kings too!" ......ur a titan! hardddddddddddddd
