torsdag 19 februari 2009


At the plane to the states me and miss caramela were sittin and speculating & predicting some stuff that we would experience and see. Some things have comed trough and true, and some hasnt even been near to what we have expected to be. We are grateful and if this trip would end today, i still be so very happy to the things i've come to experienced. But anyways, one of the things that Emma feelt in her inner soul was that she was goin to see one of her biggest, most admired person in her life - Spike lee. But since we didnt have noone of the expectacions to see him, (esp. since he neva neva evaa steps out except the knicks games he rolls up too) we didnt think to much about it. AAAAnd esp. since everything that emma predicts, she pretty much JIIINX it like the time when we were on the way to Las vegas, the whole ride she was like " oohhh, oooh, i think we are going to win, i feeel it Wasima, i feeel it, we are going to win". & i would be like, " yes i feel it tooo, i feel it mami!!". You'd think we would win? Hell naaaaaaah. But you know what, some of the times our intentions are right - and this time i guess mamacita wanted this enough. I found out that Mr. Spike Lee was signing at J&R. AND YOU ALREADY KNOW who was there first. First we had to head to city, we met up with SurFreshAlot where he showed us around a exclusive vintage tour & some flyy ass shops. Puts sweden to shame. Fresh really wanted to meet Spike too, but had some meetings to attend, so we said buhbye to him, and said HEllO broooklyn to Spike. Speaking of brooklyn, when we told spike that we were from sweden, he thought that we were from some place in Brooklyn, forgot what it was called but i guess its somewhere he is from and he got everybody laughfin. I can honestly say that this was the first time i got really nervous, like i never get star struck, but this time i was like literally quiet because i didnt know what the best thing was to say. Didnt wanna ruin this once in a life time meeting with the stupidty that my mind can drop. Emma was so happy the whole day and night, girlfriend woke up with a smile and the happyness held trought the whole day after that. The pursuit of happiness moment kinda. Later on that night fresh invited us over to a club called Prominent. The radio station hot 96 was there and was giving shout outs all night to the RetroKidz. We pretty much danced all night until the club was closing. What a great night.

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