söndag 11 januari 2009

Day 26. For the love of strawberry and banana.

We checked out from the hostel, tired like always. We are movin in at Hassans casa for a couple of days. So buh bye to Venice Beach Cotel (is it called that cuz they're not qualified to call theirselves hostel?). Im startin to get mu hustle on when it comes to taxi drivers. EVERY SINGLE taxi driver we went with has started off as a real nice guy but ended up growin out devilshorns yelling at us for tip. Todays cabdriver was Ethiopian, I fooled him my grandmother was habesha so he was nice at first- but of course them horns came out jäävligt snabbt.
"Dis de rrrongg weey, diis de rooong weey! Now yo peey mee twenntiifaaaive!"
While arriving this beautiful day in Culvercity we just chilled at Hassans front porch. This big ass Green mile lookin guy came by to give our neighbour Kevin his tag book, every hoodrat in the area had made their "tags" in it. Of course I had to make my tag up in there so they bettz not forget about miss Emma Nicole. Let me tell you my tag brung all the boys to the yard. Well kinda...
Me and luuv duuv Wasi took like 3 walks around our hood this day. All restless. Ended up at Jack in the box, where Wasi had her notourious Strawberry/Banana smoothie. Let me tell yall about this girls crave for smoothies every day...I waant a smoothie, wher can I get a smoothie. And when she finally gets it she always gets these epilepsi anfall lookin brainfreezers that goes all the way down to her nose. Always. Guess them smoothies is a bittersweet feeling for her.

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