tisdag 6 januari 2009

Day 22. Puss & hej.

I've been nagging on Isaak to squeeze his pimples (yes, im from a family of monkeys) and this morning i finally got to do it. And yes, like Wasima I figure that alot of you guys thinks Im nasty. Anywaaays... since we in la casa de Hassans, its obviously another chillday.
My motherly instincts are really kickin in nowadays, made some nachos with extra extra cheese for my babies Wasima and Isaak. Before it was time for me and Wasi to leave the house and all our lovely lil swedish boys we played some cards, me and Isaak as teammates equals BALLIN! And wasima sat and played the Nintendo wii tennis game which resulted in her getting days of cramps in her arm. It was kisses, hugs and tears sayin good bye to everybody, and we left Hassan in peace. Santa Monica Motel next.


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