L.A winter day = Swedish Summer day
loves it. Idag gick vi till Venice Beach. The regular routine, fries and overheated mayo, watch ballers play ball, see pablo makin a fool of himself and go to the sand and roll around.
We Linked up with our favorite cutie pie, Miss.Bonab. This girl is a bundle of joy, inkkaaan!
we sat and talked fooooreva until the Isaac came and picked us up. We went and ate that GABBY shawarma that Isaac have been braging about it
" alltså ni kommer älska den, den är så god. Jag vill till gabbys, deras kebab är så god! Nej asså lyssna lyssna, jag ska till Gabbys, jag ska äta kebab. Den är fett god"
Me and emma had allready tried it before and we didnt become the biggest fan of it. Isaac was trippin, sayin that we didnt know shit about food. Jaaajaaa.. vi säger väll så.
Funny thing, ít was Sara's first time so he was like making her getting all excited about eating there, and then he was like waiting for her reaction for the first bite, she was like:
- Isaac, jag gillade den inte så mycket.
Again, isaac started tripping. We ate it all up of course. Thats what we do. eat! Try and tell Isaac that. Later on that day when we picked Isaacs wonderful sister, Ubah, he had conviced her to eat there too. SHE ALSO DIDNT LIKE IT! fett synd isaac! lol
Ubah had to pick Georgia up from her dance class. During waiting for the class to finish, smygde vi in till the crumping class. Its the infamous Tommy The Clown who has the class.
My god, i wish ya'll could've seen this kids, they put me to SHAME. i was truly amazed.
Of course Ubah was goofying around dancing during the class, and i know that Emma was souking it all in. Free lesson heeey!
Le Déux! FINALY! we have been nagging and wanting to go there ever since we arrived to los angeles. The club completed the expectacions! The interior and design is crazy dope, good music flowy people! it's all good!
When we went to get some "fylle-käk", we bumped into DeeRay. That dude is funny as hell..and his homegurl was hella cute, we all went back to his place, wich pretty damn close to ours.
We watched his bootlegged version of The benjamin Button - movie.
DOOOPE movie! Brad is sick!! DeeRay keept pausin all the time and tried to explain the movie to us, like we were mentaly slow or one of the wild'n'out girls. AT the end he didnt know shit what had happend. Lol, i guess that he still buggin that he gotta play a 17-years old boy in a new movie staring that lil cute bow wow.
Good luck with that homes!
hahahah vaffaaaaaan ja visste inte att ni hade blogg???? den va fett skööön haha va söta ni e båda två.. fyfan va synd att ja va tvungen o sticka :( men ni e ju kvar tills ja kommer igen :D ni e ju kvar till march :D PUSS