fredag 23 januari 2009

Day 34 21 questions

Thank god it's saturday!
Hollywood boulevard is blazing hot, and i really admire those who are dressed out fairytale-action-movie-figures that stroll around highland, making people feel all magical in this heat.
We went to the beach, you already know which beach and what we did over there.
All the swedes favorutie subject this week has been that The swedish super star dj Sebastain Lëger was goin to play at Club Avalon. They were all saving them self by not goin out until Saturday. oskulds-fasoner hit och dit.
This was officialy the last saturday and we wanted to enjoy and explore it to the fullest.
Isaac picked us up before we met up with the rest of the swedish crew. The triple threat wats good! We walked around hollywood wich was PACKED, then we decided to hit up the club/loung VICE, och isaak vet redan vem som fixade hela grejen, aight dawg no need to front!
After we lounged there for a sec, isaac got a call that Avalon was calling.
Outside Avalon, we all were reunited with all the swedish sweethearts! We know that they had missed us! We were all ready to go in, except that josefs female friend, who is 18. had forgoten her fake id,.in L.A? who does that? Anyways so the whole entrance got hold up, and we all got splitted. We ended up in two difrence groups, like i didnt think it would be a problem. But ofcourse The bouncer had his eye on me, and got all suspisious over the i.d.
He was holding it for a long time, checking the lines, inzoomade den som en casio super 6.9 camera, jag visste väll att följfrågan skulle bli:
- Whens your birthday?
Efter att ha snabb blickat på Emma Och Isaac för att dom skulle svara åt mig, så förstod jag att jag var screwed.
- mars the 8th
The bouncer:
- Nopp, that isnt what your i.d says here.
Jag, i ett ivrigt försök att gissa rätt
- ....The third......?
Nu vet jag med all säkerhet att vakten tycker att jag är en jubel idiot och att jag förtjänar en eloge för det.
Isaac och Emma tittar på mig, dom tror knappt på det dom nyss har vittnat.
Isaac säger mitt namn med en lugn röst.. och sen:
Sanningen är att, jag fortfarande inte vet vilket datumet är. Men Jag kan lugna mig med att jag åtminstonde tog med mig mitt leg, till skillnad från andra..
Men det tog ju mig ingen vart, ska jag tala om för dig, och inte Emma heller, stackarn!
A True friend is what she is. Jag ber återigen om förlåt emzi!
Anyways, i guess you cant cry over spilled milk, but i gotta give thanks to Isaac for tryin to get that Tweeny, i really do appreciate it.
We Decided to go back home, walking right outside club Vice, the bouncer had remebered ous, so he asked if we wanted to come in again. So we were right back at Vice Again. Ironic isn't?
The only thing that really bugged me was that the Bouncer from Avalon didnt wanna give back the i.d because i still had managed to get in to other clubs, but i guess i should be happy that they didnt kick me out from the
Vice was cool, we meet Willy Will, whose a big club promoter in L.A, it was his birthday so V.i.P section ya'll know what it is!
Im actually going to miss this everyday craziness that los angeles know how to bring out.

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